JOESCO barrier appearance design patent certificate

JOESCO barrier appearance design patent certificate
JOESCO barrier appearance design patent certificate

Certificate No. 3395104
Withholding special surface

Appearance design patent certificate

Appearance Design Name: barrier
Designer: Qiao Hui

Patent No.: ZL 2015 30151336.3

Patent application date: May 14, 2015

Patent owner: Qiao Hui

Authorization Announcement Date: September 23, 2015

This design has undergone a preliminary examination in accordance with the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China, and decided to grant the patent right, issue this certificate and register it in the patent registration book. The patent right takes effect from the date of the authorization announcement.

The patent right term of this patent is ten years, counted from the filing date. The patentee shall pay the annual fee in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and its implementing rules. The annual fee for this patent should be paid before May 14 each year. If the annual fee is not paid in accordance with the regulations, the patent right shall be terminated from the date when the annual fee should be paid expires.

The patent certificate records the legal status at the time of registration of the patent right. The transfer, pledge, invalidation, termination, restoration of the patent right, and the name, nationality, and address change of the patentee are recorded in the patent register.

Director Shen Changyu

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