Introduction to the advantages of gabion blast wall

The gabion mesh blast wall is a protective device primarily used to prevent the propagation of explosion shock waves and flames in industrial and civil buildings.

IMG 6557


The characteristics of a gabion mesh blast wall are as follows:

Efficiency: The gabion mesh, made of special materials and woven techniques, effectively blocks the impact of explosions and fragments, reducing the harm to the surrounding environment and personnel.

Simple structure: The gabion mesh blast wall has a simple structure, mainly composed of gabion mesh and fillers, making it easy to install and maintain.

Adaptability: The specifications and fillers of the gabion mesh can be adjusted according to the requirements to meet different explosion pressures and environmental needs.

Environmentally friendly: The materials used for the gabion mesh blast wall can be recycled, and fillers such as sand and stones can be used, posing no harm to the environment.

Durability: The main materials of the gabion mesh blast wall undergo special treatments, providing excellent corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, and UV resistance, ensuring long-term performance and service life.

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