JOESCO hesco barrier was tested with vehicle impacting
In this test, we used a pickup truck to hit the explosion-proof wall at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.
In this test, we used a pickup truck to hit the explosion-proof wall at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.
During the test, we loaded a pickup truck with 301kg of TNT explosives to simulate a car bomb attack. Despite the violent explosion, the sheep behind the hesco barrier remained safe and sound. This experiment serves as a testament to the effectiveness and reliability of hesco barriers in mitigating the impact of explosions and protecting individuals and property
In this test, the Egyptian military detonated 150 kilograms of TNT explosives at a distance of about 1 meter from the hesco barrier. We can see that the barrier was only slightly damaged after the explosion, and the dummy behind the barrier was not damaged.
In this test, the Egyptian Military Police Department used 2-inch ammunition, 3.5-inch ammunition, “Cobra” RBG missiles, and 160kg explosives. The test results proved that the hesco barrier can withstand the vitality estimates of any of the above weapons.
An air force of the PLA used 122mm, 130mm, and 152mm howitzers and 117kg TNT explosives to test the JOESCO hesco barrier, and the results were very satisfactory.
Algeria JV Gas Project PERIMETER PROTECTION FENCING – VEHICLE IMPACT TEST REPORT Purchase review and comments shall not be assumed to indicate either responsibility or liability for the accuracy and completeness of this document or to alter any contractual terms and conditions. Review Code and Status Signature Date □ Code 1 No Comments. Work May Proceed. □ Code 2 Comments
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